24” BY 36” OIL

 “#Fallen Angel”
“#Fallen Angel”

. Oil 30”x40”

Yin Yang on a Friday Night
Yin Yang on a Friday Night

"Yin & Yang on a Friday Night"  Oil 30"x24"

“The ritual of putting ones face on, and the fantastical struggle behind reality for many’s perception of who we see in the mirror.” Confidence and insecurity easily tangled for nary our eye does see the truth until we have come to know of our self truly.

Christopher Frost

Madonna and Child
Madonna and Child

"Madonna and Child"  Oil 18"x 24"

“Rising up, breaking free the negativity which bounds, striving onward, mother and child will be freed.” Evolution, passing on your greatest traits the child of your loins that it too may be better than you. 

Christopher Frost


"Overview"  Oil 4'x4'

Selected for the Fusion Arts Center show 6.1.13-6.31.13

Overview – “A look inside the mind of the artist as he contemplates the why and how, justification of it all, with many voices residing behind his eyes offering their malleable thoughts as they take his mind to task.” This reminds me much of our internal struggles and conflict control, only painted for the eye to see. 
-Christopher Frost

Self Portrait
Self Portrait

"Self Portrait" Oil 3'x4'

“Who am I? Where is my way? Why do I travel so? With the little ones upon his back, trusting his path, they too look on, wondering where this world will take them.” So many of us continually consternate over the why and what ifs of our day to day existence, it is no different for Ron - ever wondering, ever dreaming, ever moving on. 

Christopher Frost

Straight from the Heart
Straight from the Heart

"Straight from the Heart"  Oil 24"x 36" 

“My winged guide and I, nearly both lost this day, but with new hope, new life, the wind again was found.” Courage. Even when things so destined to be over, the strength of will and heart, love for another, may be all you need to continue on. 

Christopher Frost


"The Ascension" Oil 4'x 5'

   “A woman’s struggles, blind to the wicked she climbs on, ever balancing her woe with glee.” One cannot know happiness without also knowing of pain. And fortunately, or tortuously, the greater the pain you have known, so too your ability for great happiness. 

Christopher Frost


Venetian View
Venetian View

"Venetian View"  Oil 3'x 4' 


 “With shattered wing, broken limb to mend, the adventure carried on.” Striving on, pushing forward, letting not the day’s events, be them of negative energy, affect your way.

Christopher Frost

The Kiss
The Kiss

"The Kiss" Oil 18" x 24"

“First kiss, everlasting the tempest forged our souls, yet fleeting in the world, passing as the shadow of days the greater scheme of things.” Memories can carry on a life time, the taste, the feel, the caress of something so true, so genuine you may never truly let go. 

Christopher Frost


"Watersign" Oil 4'x 4'

 “Always fascinated with women, here a depiction of one contemplating; life, children, right and wrong and where she should go this life, what paths lay before her.” As our day to day lives ever change, ever evolve, so to must our reasoning and decision making.

Christopher Frost

Free Flight
Free Flight

"Free flight"  Oil 18"x 24"

“A father’s guidance, his watching eye, ever ready to fend the burdens of his children, ever ready to carry them on.” What greater strength than the love a Father holds his children? Only mothers could compare.

Christopher Frost

Birds of Pray
Birds of Pray

Birds of Prey' Oil 4'x5'


"Underware" 24" x 36" Oil

Inspired while waiting and waiting;) for a friend to get ready to go out for the evening.

The Nest
The Nest

"The Nest" Oil

Rodger Hoopman This is really wonderful stuff. The color bursts off the paintings with an almost 3D . effect. The emotions they evoke are everything from awe and wonder to melancholy and shock. A very impressive collection. I found something new each time I went back to look at a painting.

Wounded Bird
Wounded Bird

"Wounded Bird" 2'x 3' . Oil

“Her spirit guide watches on, ready to take to wing, flirt with the winds, and carry her on though she lay, languishing in my pain.” Even in solitude, you are never alone, for those who care; those who watch over you are never truly far away.

Christopher Frost

A Short Hike 62 Times Around the Sun
A Short Hike 62 Times Around the Sun

"A Short Hike 62 Times Around the Sun" Oil 30"x40"

Inspired by my 62nd Birthday, contemplation the rich journey I have been on and an annual reassessment of my life.-r



Angel Study
Angel Study

"Angel Study" Oil

“A playful memory of the female form in all its beauty, all its delight.” 

Christopher Frost

Celtic Dream
Celtic Dream

"Celtic Dream" Oil Mixed Media

Inspired by a conversation with a friend and her sadness about reluctantly leaving her child in Ireland and her efforts to carve out a new life in America.-r

Biological Clock
Biological Clock

"Biological Clock" mixed 2'x3'

Electric Blue Vision
Electric Blue Vision

"Electric Blue Vision" Oil 4'x'5

The Nest
The Nest

"The Nest" Oil 5'x5'

“Masked guardians; nurturing, playing, teasing those who have yet come to be.” As guardian angels or parents, one in the same perhaps, preparing their child’s birth, a diligence and servitude to the young is fostered in all of us. 

Christopher Frost

Danna Dennis Wilberg I had the privilege of seeing this close up. The colors and detail is off the charts!

Jungle Dream [Left Panel]
Jungle Dream [Left Panel]

"Jungle Dream"  Left Panel 2'x3' 

Inspired by the colors and textures I experienced in my travels to Mexico.

Jungle Dream [Right Panel]
Jungle Dream [Right Panel]

"Jungle Dream"  Right Panel 2'x3' 

Inspired by the colors and textures I experienced in my travels to Mexico.


"Jamie" Oil 22'x 28"

This painting of Jamie, my youngest daughter,  was included years later in the Crocker Museums traveling show that visited school children in the Sacramento area. I cannot tell you how much pleasure it gave me when friends of the girls mentioned that they remembered it. At this time, Jamie was interested in everything about life- excited about the next event in her life, but not very patient. She was and still is fascinating as well as beautiful.

Birds of Pray
Birds of Pray

"Birds of Prey" 4'x 5" oil, this is an old painting from when i started painting again in the 90's. It started the "wounded bird" concept. Interesting how my technique has not evolved very much:( i am working on that.

“She who cavorts, he of shadow who strives, but who is preying who, this struggle of mine?” Would honest words, spoken true and loud serve us better this day of mine, instead of labored breaths, caught between wishful thoughts?

-Christopher Frost

Totem 2012
Totem 2012

TOTEM 2012- OIL 2'x4'

“From birth thru life; new hopes, dreams and aspirations, as well; threats, dangers and the unknown for a mother’s job is never done.” As a mother dreams and gives forth her energies, knowledge and love to prepare her child this world, she will ever be there for them, ever be their guiding light.

Christopher Frost


ETERNITY- OIL [6 piece set] 2'x6' each

Contemplating life and death, how our lives are so different and how they interconnect.  After we pass are we all isolated in a 2 by 6 dimension made up of our own memories and experiences?-r

 "Nest"  Oil  COVER FOR N MAGAZINE  “Masked guardians; nurturing, playing, teasing those who have yet come to be.” As guardian angels or parents, one in the same perhaps, preparing their child’s birth, a diligence and servitude to the young is f

"Nest"  Oil


“Masked guardians; nurturing, playing, teasing those who have yet come to be.” As guardian angels or parents, one in the same perhaps, preparing their child’s birth, a diligence and servitude to the young is fostered in all of us. 

Christopher Frost


Lost Child
Lost Child

LOST CHILD- Oil  4'x3'

Destry Shannon Sparks From an eerie realm of dark fantasy 'Lost Child' is undeniably fascinating while simultaneously unsettling. The worst thing an an artist can do is play it safe and stick to the well trodden path. In this one we decisively see Kendall is an artist willing to go much farther than familiar and comforting themes.

 “A thoughtful revelry, captivated by the idea of abortion and what it must mean to those who have experienced of it and the choices they were confronted with, certainly not easy.” How difficult many of life’s decisions are, but they must be made, and you must move on.

Christopher Frost

The Kiss
The Kiss

"The Kiss" Oil

 “Hidden desires played out within the veil of a fog, their treasured moment concealed from prying eyes – yet the crow watches on.” Within our minds and imaginations many a rendezvous has been played out with those we’ve fantasized, here action was taken and not only dreamed. 

Christopher Frost

 “#Fallen Angel”
Yin Yang on a Friday Night
Madonna and Child
Self Portrait
Straight from the Heart
Venetian View
The Kiss
Free Flight
Birds of Pray
The Nest
Wounded Bird
A Short Hike 62 Times Around the Sun
Angel Study
Celtic Dream
Biological Clock
Electric Blue Vision
The Nest
Jungle Dream [Left Panel]
Jungle Dream [Right Panel]
Birds of Pray
Totem 2012
 "Nest"  Oil  COVER FOR N MAGAZINE  “Masked guardians; nurturing, playing, teasing those who have yet come to be.” As guardian angels or parents, one in the same perhaps, preparing their child’s birth, a diligence and servitude to the young is f
Lost Child
The Kiss

24” BY 36” OIL

“#Fallen Angel”

. Oil 30”x40”

Yin Yang on a Friday Night

"Yin & Yang on a Friday Night"  Oil 30"x24"

“The ritual of putting ones face on, and the fantastical struggle behind reality for many’s perception of who we see in the mirror.” Confidence and insecurity easily tangled for nary our eye does see the truth until we have come to know of our self truly.

Christopher Frost

Madonna and Child

"Madonna and Child"  Oil 18"x 24"

“Rising up, breaking free the negativity which bounds, striving onward, mother and child will be freed.” Evolution, passing on your greatest traits the child of your loins that it too may be better than you. 

Christopher Frost


"Overview"  Oil 4'x4'

Selected for the Fusion Arts Center show 6.1.13-6.31.13

Overview – “A look inside the mind of the artist as he contemplates the why and how, justification of it all, with many voices residing behind his eyes offering their malleable thoughts as they take his mind to task.” This reminds me much of our internal struggles and conflict control, only painted for the eye to see. 
-Christopher Frost

Self Portrait

"Self Portrait" Oil 3'x4'

“Who am I? Where is my way? Why do I travel so? With the little ones upon his back, trusting his path, they too look on, wondering where this world will take them.” So many of us continually consternate over the why and what ifs of our day to day existence, it is no different for Ron - ever wondering, ever dreaming, ever moving on. 

Christopher Frost

Straight from the Heart

"Straight from the Heart"  Oil 24"x 36" 

“My winged guide and I, nearly both lost this day, but with new hope, new life, the wind again was found.” Courage. Even when things so destined to be over, the strength of will and heart, love for another, may be all you need to continue on. 

Christopher Frost


"The Ascension" Oil 4'x 5'

   “A woman’s struggles, blind to the wicked she climbs on, ever balancing her woe with glee.” One cannot know happiness without also knowing of pain. And fortunately, or tortuously, the greater the pain you have known, so too your ability for great happiness. 

Christopher Frost


Venetian View

"Venetian View"  Oil 3'x 4' 


 “With shattered wing, broken limb to mend, the adventure carried on.” Striving on, pushing forward, letting not the day’s events, be them of negative energy, affect your way.

Christopher Frost

The Kiss

"The Kiss" Oil 18" x 24"

“First kiss, everlasting the tempest forged our souls, yet fleeting in the world, passing as the shadow of days the greater scheme of things.” Memories can carry on a life time, the taste, the feel, the caress of something so true, so genuine you may never truly let go. 

Christopher Frost


"Watersign" Oil 4'x 4'

 “Always fascinated with women, here a depiction of one contemplating; life, children, right and wrong and where she should go this life, what paths lay before her.” As our day to day lives ever change, ever evolve, so to must our reasoning and decision making.

Christopher Frost

Free Flight

"Free flight"  Oil 18"x 24"

“A father’s guidance, his watching eye, ever ready to fend the burdens of his children, ever ready to carry them on.” What greater strength than the love a Father holds his children? Only mothers could compare.

Christopher Frost

Birds of Pray

Birds of Prey' Oil 4'x5'


"Underware" 24" x 36" Oil

Inspired while waiting and waiting;) for a friend to get ready to go out for the evening.

The Nest

"The Nest" Oil

Rodger Hoopman This is really wonderful stuff. The color bursts off the paintings with an almost 3D . effect. The emotions they evoke are everything from awe and wonder to melancholy and shock. A very impressive collection. I found something new each time I went back to look at a painting.

Wounded Bird

"Wounded Bird" 2'x 3' . Oil

“Her spirit guide watches on, ready to take to wing, flirt with the winds, and carry her on though she lay, languishing in my pain.” Even in solitude, you are never alone, for those who care; those who watch over you are never truly far away.

Christopher Frost

A Short Hike 62 Times Around the Sun

"A Short Hike 62 Times Around the Sun" Oil 30"x40"

Inspired by my 62nd Birthday, contemplation the rich journey I have been on and an annual reassessment of my life.-r



Angel Study

"Angel Study" Oil

“A playful memory of the female form in all its beauty, all its delight.” 

Christopher Frost

Celtic Dream

"Celtic Dream" Oil Mixed Media

Inspired by a conversation with a friend and her sadness about reluctantly leaving her child in Ireland and her efforts to carve out a new life in America.-r

Biological Clock

"Biological Clock" mixed 2'x3'

Electric Blue Vision

"Electric Blue Vision" Oil 4'x'5

The Nest

"The Nest" Oil 5'x5'

“Masked guardians; nurturing, playing, teasing those who have yet come to be.” As guardian angels or parents, one in the same perhaps, preparing their child’s birth, a diligence and servitude to the young is fostered in all of us. 

Christopher Frost

Danna Dennis Wilberg I had the privilege of seeing this close up. The colors and detail is off the charts!

Jungle Dream [Left Panel]

"Jungle Dream"  Left Panel 2'x3' 

Inspired by the colors and textures I experienced in my travels to Mexico.

Jungle Dream [Right Panel]

"Jungle Dream"  Right Panel 2'x3' 

Inspired by the colors and textures I experienced in my travels to Mexico.


"Jamie" Oil 22'x 28"

This painting of Jamie, my youngest daughter,  was included years later in the Crocker Museums traveling show that visited school children in the Sacramento area. I cannot tell you how much pleasure it gave me when friends of the girls mentioned that they remembered it. At this time, Jamie was interested in everything about life- excited about the next event in her life, but not very patient. She was and still is fascinating as well as beautiful.

Birds of Pray

"Birds of Prey" 4'x 5" oil, this is an old painting from when i started painting again in the 90's. It started the "wounded bird" concept. Interesting how my technique has not evolved very much:( i am working on that.

“She who cavorts, he of shadow who strives, but who is preying who, this struggle of mine?” Would honest words, spoken true and loud serve us better this day of mine, instead of labored breaths, caught between wishful thoughts?

-Christopher Frost

Totem 2012

TOTEM 2012- OIL 2'x4'

“From birth thru life; new hopes, dreams and aspirations, as well; threats, dangers and the unknown for a mother’s job is never done.” As a mother dreams and gives forth her energies, knowledge and love to prepare her child this world, she will ever be there for them, ever be their guiding light.

Christopher Frost


ETERNITY- OIL [6 piece set] 2'x6' each

Contemplating life and death, how our lives are so different and how they interconnect.  After we pass are we all isolated in a 2 by 6 dimension made up of our own memories and experiences?-r

"Nest"  Oil


“Masked guardians; nurturing, playing, teasing those who have yet come to be.” As guardian angels or parents, one in the same perhaps, preparing their child’s birth, a diligence and servitude to the young is fostered in all of us. 

Christopher Frost


Lost Child

LOST CHILD- Oil  4'x3'

Destry Shannon Sparks From an eerie realm of dark fantasy 'Lost Child' is undeniably fascinating while simultaneously unsettling. The worst thing an an artist can do is play it safe and stick to the well trodden path. In this one we decisively see Kendall is an artist willing to go much farther than familiar and comforting themes.

 “A thoughtful revelry, captivated by the idea of abortion and what it must mean to those who have experienced of it and the choices they were confronted with, certainly not easy.” How difficult many of life’s decisions are, but they must be made, and you must move on.

Christopher Frost

The Kiss

"The Kiss" Oil

 “Hidden desires played out within the veil of a fog, their treasured moment concealed from prying eyes – yet the crow watches on.” Within our minds and imaginations many a rendezvous has been played out with those we’ve fantasized, here action was taken and not only dreamed. 

Christopher Frost

show thumbnails