Sep 1
Sep 1

Hike, walk, sit, sing, meditate, laugh - experience your favorite place that “calls” to you in this moment.

Step 2
Step 2

I went on my favorite hike and gathered natural objects that ”spoke to me” their energy complimented my thoughts.

Your source could be a quiet spot in your yard, a family members or friends home (past and present), a favorite getaway spot- any place that heightens your awareness.

I attached these objects to a “spirit brush” and hope to have this tool guide and inspire me to paint - or see the energy that I was drawn to.

I am not sure where this will take me but I am really looking forward to the journey.

Step 3
Step 3

After pouring an oil based background, I Dipped the “Spirit Brush” in Cad Red oil paint- then quickly -without intention- used it to reveal the background sketch.

Step 4
Step 4

Do you see it?

I used the “Spirit Brush”, made up of items that I was drawn to on my favorite hike, and bound them together to make a brush.

The result revealed a spirit that I am starting to pull out of the painting. Do you see it ?

Step 5
Step 5

I used the “Spirit Brush”, made up of items that I was drawn to on my favorite hike, and bound them together to make a brush.

The result revealed a spirit that I am starting to pull out of the painting.

It’s great to be painting again.

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Sep 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
F3496FA6-9015-4AD3-92C1-8078E357EB34 2.jpg
Sep 1

Hike, walk, sit, sing, meditate, laugh - experience your favorite place that “calls” to you in this moment.

Step 2

I went on my favorite hike and gathered natural objects that ”spoke to me” their energy complimented my thoughts.

Your source could be a quiet spot in your yard, a family members or friends home (past and present), a favorite getaway spot- any place that heightens your awareness.

I attached these objects to a “spirit brush” and hope to have this tool guide and inspire me to paint - or see the energy that I was drawn to.

I am not sure where this will take me but I am really looking forward to the journey.

Step 3

After pouring an oil based background, I Dipped the “Spirit Brush” in Cad Red oil paint- then quickly -without intention- used it to reveal the background sketch.

Step 4

Do you see it?

I used the “Spirit Brush”, made up of items that I was drawn to on my favorite hike, and bound them together to make a brush.

The result revealed a spirit that I am starting to pull out of the painting. Do you see it ?

Step 5

I used the “Spirit Brush”, made up of items that I was drawn to on my favorite hike, and bound them together to make a brush.

The result revealed a spirit that I am starting to pull out of the painting.

It’s great to be painting again.

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